For every one dollar spent on Google Ads, your business can earn an average of $8 in revenue. Where else will you find an eight to one return on investment?
The answer is nowhere. Google Ads can be daunting. But it can also provide the immediate results your business needs to reach the right audience and generate more revenue.
Whether you’re just starting out with Google Ads or have a decent understanding of how the system works, these four tips will help you learn how to begin and develop an effective Google Ads campaign.
Before we begin, here’s a refresher on Google Ads.
What is Google Ads?
Google Ads is a digital advertising platform run by the biggest search engine on the internet. Running ads through Google Ads is an effective way to drive meaningful traffic to your website. And when I say meaningful traffic, I mean the personas and good fit customers that are more likely to do business with you. Not only will your numbers online go up, but so will your revenue.
Fun fact: ads run on Google Ads can run across different platforms, like YouTube. With effective strategy and budgeting, your ads appear almost anywhere you want them to. Maybe you’ve heard the common argument that Facebook advertising is “better” than Google Ads. For some situations maybe it is. But that’s why we wrote a blog about it, which you can read by clicking here.
Now let’s get tippin’.
Tip 1: Prepare and Strategize
Preparation is key. Google loves to send you emails about free ad credits and that ‘getting started is easy as typing a headline.’ But it’s more than that!
Remember: you get out of Google Ads what you put into Google Ads. Just like anything else. And if you know zilch about pay-per-click, or PPC, advertising, it’s going to feel like it’s too much to handle.
That’s where preparation comes in. That’s where developing a cohesive, structured marketing strategy comes in. That’s where time, research, and effort come in. Otherwise, you’re relying on guesswork. Google is for guessing, but advertising isn’t. That’s a recipe for spending more and earning less.
So what do I mean when I say “strategy”? Well, at Sauce Agency we hone in on a few key factors to develop a capable Google Ads campaign:
- Keywords: The meat and potatoes of Google Ads. Bad keywords, bad campaign. You need to know what words people use to find your product. That takes effective keyword research!
- Location: Where do you want to advertise? Google allows you to advertise just about anywhere. Don’t! That’s bad strategy. Informed location targets mean you can collect more meaningful data and cross-compare against different or similar advertising locations.
- Copy: Words matter. Is your advertising copy compelling enough to convince someone that clicking is worth their time? If the answer is no, they’ll keep scrolling and skip right over you.
Tip 2: You Need a Dedicated Landing Page
If a user clicks on your ad, where does it take them? Are they heading to your homepage, following a social media account, or calling you? The most important part of the buying journey happens right at this moment. How will you guide them towards a sale?
There are a bunch of different options to choose from, but the choice that stands above all others is a dedicated landing page.
A landing page is where users are routed after clicking on your ad or search result. The page is not linked in the navigation on your website (nor does the landing page contain navigation links to your other web pages). Landing pages are typically only accessible by clicking on the ad. That is its main purpose. Once your Google Ad converts a searching customer into a clicking customer, it’s up to your marketing to turn them into a bonafide lead.
That’s what an effective landing page does! A landing page is the following for your customers:
- A clear call to action. What is it that you want your customers to do and how do you plan to guide them to it?
- Speaks to your customers’ most common pain point (determined by strategy and research)
- Relates to the advertisement that the visitor clicked on
How much time do you spend explaining your services to prospects or new customers? A landing page does that for you. Think of it as an automated assistant generating interest in your company. When you build a landing page correctly, that’s exactly what it can be.
Tip 3: Start Broad, Then Narrow Your Focus
Google Ads are an investment. It takes time! Advertising isn’t a two-day success. It takes careful planning and optimization to craft a digital advertising campaign that works.
That’s why it’s smart to start at an informed, broader point and narrow your focus over time. Just like cooking, it’s easier not to add too many ingredients than it is to take them out later.
The best Google Ads campaigns start with a baseline of information. First, use the broad keywords from your research and strategy. Then, monitor. Gather reports. Look at your conversion rates. See what’s working and do more of that.
Information gathering at this stage can be nerve-wracking. But it’s important not to be rash and make a sudden change without knowing the full picture.
Tip 4: Measure and Adapt
Be confident in your strategy and data. Even if it’s not the data you want, it’s the data you have to move forward with. And if the results are exactly what you’re looking for, then it’s time to bump those targets up!
Key tip: An effective Google Ads campaign can take up to one year! Running a digital ads campaign for a few weeks, or even a few months, can lead to inconsistent or vague results. Whether or not the campaign met expectations, the smaller data sample negatively impacts your decision-making.
More information is the best information.
Either way, you have the analytics tool provided by Google to measure your campaign performance and adapt accordingly.
The ultimate goal here is to identify patterns. Then, you can determine which patterns matter most to your advertising goals. Measure your patterns. Identify anomalies. Generate a report, and discover ways to improve both your strategy and campaign.
One last thing: Google Ads changes all of the time. Next week, or even tomorrow, there will be more ways to leverage measurable digital advertising for your business. And when that happens, it’s time to adapt and grow. That’s how a maintained campaign on Google Ads results in more revenue and happier customers!
Start Converting Today with Sauce Agency!
Google Ads can be a lot to keep track of, understand, and optimize. That’s why our team of marketing experts works with clients just like you to develop and implement digital advertising campaigns that convert meaningful leads, boost website traffic, and generate revenue.
Interested in discovering how a growth agency like Sauce Agency can improve your ads and increase your revenue? Schedule a call with a certified Growth Guide to learn more today.