Web Design Trends for 2020 & Beyond

We’re half-way through 2020 and if you haven’t refreshed your website for the new century, you’re likely missing out on web design’s latest, most exciting trends. There are trends to follow in every industry, the fashion industry being the most notable, but none seem...

Audio Branding: The Power of Sound

As an audiophile, who also happens to be a musician, I’m especially excited to delve into the way a brand sounds. While audio branding is too often an afterthought, it shouldn’t be. The Harvard Business Review deemed it to be an incredibly “powerful...

How Much Does a Website Cost?

A website is the single most important sales and marketing tool your business can have. But what is it worth? How much does it cost or better yet, how much should it cost for your business to get the most out of it? The cost of a website is a main factor that...