In the last blog I asked you if you had a strategy to grow your business and after making you feel a little queasy, I promised to help you out with 4 steps to building an effective sales strategy.

Selling more is a sales strategy and planning and executing, measuring and accountability is the only way you purposefully sell more. That’s not to say that these are easy or simple to achieve, but when you invest and follow the plan, you can change and you will grow.

4 Steps to Build A Growth Strategy You Can Implement Now

1. Planning

  1. Set a goal—where are you today, where do you want to be, what do you think you can reach? Do the math—down to the penny.
  2. Create a plan—how can we increase sales? Use existing resources. Start making changes/improvements here first: People, Product, Customers, Technology, Market.

2. Executing

  1. Create a timeline for implementing and executing actions. Be realistic but be aggressive.
  2. What can we change or improve today that will have an immediate impact? Create short term and long term action items.
  3. Who does what, how, when and why? Get buy in and engagement from your team.

3. Measuring

  1. Where are we from where we started?
  2. What have we learned? What’s working, what’s not working and why?
  3. Where are we going? Forecasting. Know where you are going so you can count on it, to build and invest in the next steps.

4. Accountability

  1. Be accountable to the plan, not the results.
  2. Just in case it wasn’t clear, Be accountable to the PLAN, not the results.

Build A Sales Strategy That Works

Need more help? How to get started? Revenue generating ideas? Pulling it all together? Contact us! We’ll listen to where you are and give you a starting point—free of charge—call it good business karma.